Valenţa juridică a clasificării contractelor civile


Cimil Dorin, doctor în drept, conferenţiar universitar

Avocat, Biroul Asociat de Avocaţi „Facultatea de Drept” 

 Bot Alexandru, licenţiat în drept, masterand

Jurist, Cabinetul Avocatului „Gheorghe Golubaş”


Partea I

 In this study we tried to render a practical content for the theoretical subject of contract classification. We managed to analyze the particular juridical effects of a certain type of contracts, depending on the specific clauses that they have embraced by the will of the parties or even the legislator. Thus, our scientific approach was oriented to the understating of complex contractual constructions that unify under a unique form elements considered to be antagonistic.  Continuă lectura „Valenţa juridică a clasificării contractelor civile”